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If your order status says "shipped" but the tracking number provided is not working, don't be alarmed.
For most order, we suggest that you allow 24 business hours for your tracking information to show movement. This gives the package time to trav.. read more |
In most cases the answer is Yes. The only exceptions to this are if you received a part number that is not what you ordered, an item arrived defective, or if the manufacturer confirms our catalog information is incorrect.
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Currently we ship to Canada and the United states. We do not ship to any other country. If you live outside of Canada and the US, we suggest that you find a freight forwarded that you can use to have your items shipped to you in your country.
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All packages that leave our facility are issued a tracking number and insured. In the event your order goes missing or is damaged in transit, it can be replaced at no charge. Envelopes cannot be tracked or insured, so in the event of loss or damage, your .. read more |
You should receive your order confirmation as soon as your order has been placed and processed. Shipping notifications are sent out once your order has been assigned a tracking number and the courier has scanned your package at their distribution fa.. read more |
Shipping varies based on size, shape and weight of the product, as well as its destination. You can get a shipping estimate from our website by completing the following steps:
Add all of the items that you would like a shipping quote for to yo.. read more |
After your order is processed and shipped by our warehouse, you will receive an email with your tracking information. You can track your package using the links in the email, as well as by logging into your account and viewing your order history.
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Shipping rates are established by our shipping partners; such rates are not within our control. The cost of fuel and associated fuel surcharges play a huge role in the cost of shipping. However, we endeavor to find the best shipping soluti.. read more |
Shipping insurance is charged on the cost of your item to protect your products during shipping from potential loss or damage. Mandatory shipping insurance is added to your purchase for peace of mind.
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Truck freight shipping applies to items that are too big or heavy to ship via common courier (UPS, Canada Post, Fedex, etc). Items that require truck freight shipping will be noted with a Truck icon on the product page. The truck freight shipp.. read more |
Larger or heavier items have additional shipping fees. These fees are determined by our shipping carriers. Oversize fees vary from product to product, and will be noted on the product page along with the shopping cart / checkout page.
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